About Us

We are NOT academics. We are a team of real engineers that spend as much money as we can on expensive equipments. Putting it into the hands of the inexperienced learner.


So that they can become skilled and competent quicker enabling them to start earning real money quicker. Something that other providers very rarely do ,because they put putting money in their own pockets before what learners really need.

What We're All About

We are all about transferring the skills and experience from one generation of technicians to the next generation giving them the building blocks to a better career

Learn Something Every Day

A long time ago I became aware that we all learn differntly, some can just read from a book and just get it. Some need someone to tell them things and explain. But others need things put in their hands and have to do it practically. I realised that within this industry if you combined all three when training technicians. All learners became able to do the work for real in the workplace a whole lot quicker and easier

Kevin Ward
Our Vision

Who We Are

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

And oh boy do we get that or what!! We get individuals and companies enquiring telling us that they know it all already, they just need the certification because they have had a good dose of youtube watching. Which pretty much guarantees they are CLUELESS!!

 What can we tell you?? We have ensured that everyone that we use to deliver training has worked to excellent quality standards, with a good reputation for the quality of workmanship they delivered.  Our industry is incestious, everyone knows everyone. Who is good at his job, who is bad. And we are in effect trying to transfer the skills of one generation that were taught the benefits of good practice. Along with the values of how good prior preperaton and practice. Enabled them to do their jobs easily in demanding situations. Enabling them to earn considerable amounts of money, while still maintaining a decent work life ballance. These guys not only have technical skills to pass on that are essential. They have a whole catalogue of experiences of what went wrong in some situations, and are able to pass on how to avoid problems they experienced. Which will save learners a lot of time effort energy and heartache.

Learn From those experienced in the industry

University academics who have never ever worked in our industry. Essentially only theorists, dictated what people were taught to gain qualifications. Because they had no experience they were always wrong, which left business struggling to find people with the real skills and knowledge to work for them. Our trainers are all experience technicians that have worked in the industry for at least 30 years

Learn at Your Own Pace

Some of our programmes allow learners to study the theory and watch videos preparing themselves at their own pace. They can then come to us to carry out the practical part of training when they are good and ready. This does not suit everyone, but if this way is for you we will have a solution for some programmes

Professional Certification

There are training providers out there that provide certification with learners leaving them able to wave this piece of paper about saying they are certififed, but they are still unable to do the job. certification provided through are business mean something. We are the only training provider in this industry that is trying to make sure that when individuals leave us. They can do the job for real as is required in the workplace